Tuesday, December 7, 2010

101117-Experience Indian Wedding in Jaipur

Pink city - jaipur. lots of memories!
stay with push's family more than 10 days.we discuss about future cooperation. the indian wedding in the village is my first time to experience an indian wedding. the ceremony was boring i could say. it take hours and hours praying and details. when i was photographying, opps, the groom father's head scarf is too long, which i stepped on it. it makes me laugh too hard! when the couple standing outside which i have no clue what is going on, people suddenly throw the sweet on the sky, which fall on my head, i was shocking!

the bride was nervous, she's not ready for marriage yet. cause there over 90% indian marriage are arrange marriage. many couple love each other after marry, but somehow amazing part, there are under 4% of arranged marriages end in divorce. it finally works!

i have visited a indian family in jaipur, the bride married when she's only 9 years old. the groom was 12 at that time, now they have 2 kids, one daughter of 8, one son of 4 yrs old, the young mother now only 22, but they are happy with each other. they don't think too much, husband working hard outside, wife take care of the children, when i saw their face and hugs in front of the tv. they are happy with whatever they have.

it simply shows me how amazing of indian people can be so decent and simple in life! nowadays, people don't believe themselves. they don't trust others, starting sherish, thinking about only mine, mine, people wasting time to argue each other, hating each other, complain about others, they are blind enough to see how life was so short could be?!

when everybody dancing in the party,i wish those happiness maintains,cause i see people suffers.only pray to god, that may love brings peace and happiness ever after.
i know, it depends what we believe!

One Love!

101207-Am i die in airport of U.A.E?

Fly to U.A.E so early is out of my plan on 2010,due to pakistan embassy in delhi not issue tourist visa. my friends in nepal confirmed that i can get pakistan visa in kathmandu, but it will takes 6-8 weeks to process the visa. plus india policy have to leave the country 2 months to apply india visa again. some of my indian friends even give me the information that if chinese nationality get pakistan visa, they may can never get indian visa anymore!

what a stupid policy?! just because india afraid china cooperate with pakistan?
there is too much ego in the world. if i visit Israel, i can never went to iran, syria.
what a crazy world? there are too much hatred and human acting such stupid!

Since those reasons, spend weeks looking my next country in mid east,
one of my indian friend who worked in u.a.e invited me, he said: "come over to dubai!
the visa is so easy! give me the passport copy and photos, 3-5 days will done the e-visa!"
so i did i email the details on Nov.18th.

The first week on december, Varun took me traveling around embassy area in delhi by bike. we went more than 10 embassies,getting informations, and finally success submit my egypt visa and confirmed the flights.
every single little achivements delightened my day!
i'm so easy to be contented and simply happy!

I have to say that week was a hard time! the process can be so irritating!
the Syria visa has to be submit only after Egypt visa!
and the embassy they request reference letter from china embassy. which i went twice, china embassy in delhi won't give!
how much i love my country! how much i hate my country!
sure i won't stay in china in future!

i have never worried about my u.a.e visa since i gave my trust to my friends, who promised take care of. it will never be a problem which i can submit myself from china travel agency as well. it just cost!

On Dec.6th, my indian friend told me formally with emails that he is not able to help the visa, after i told him i have a couch in dubai and won't stay with him. so i learned from the experience. always keep plan B! always be independent!

so the day time start, searching china travel agencies. phone calls,
some agency need original passport, which i'm not in china right now.
som agency need company sponsor letter and company licence centificate!
which i don't work for any company in the last 3 years.
some agency need 3000 dollars deposit otherwise charge 760 dollars to process the visa, which is ridiculous expensive. normally the price in china between 90-140 dollars for 30 days u.a.e visa.

otherwise either i book the hotel in dubai, they sponsor for the visa, it has to be process from u.a.e.

time is really close soon. i hate travel agency charge so expensive price for operating so simple things! if i can not pass through u.a.e custom. am i die in u.a.e airport?
No! it has to be a way to find out!
i fighting like a warrior and do whatever my best to conquer my journey!

there in our life should never be a problem.
only people's fear in our mind keeping make us problems!
never lose the fun to find a solution! there must be a way to find out!

I love when i'm working! ^_^

Friday, August 13, 2010

100814-Back to blogspot

Since china blocked blogspot.have long time not update here yet.
now i set up my own blog database on http://www.1rong.com
check it out. :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

20100211-Village life in cambodia

In the last week.as a photographer.
i have been learned more about the village life in cambodia.
i'm very sad about it!

here,sure you also can take lots of photos in village.

you may also can see people going to die.

most family's home is more worse than this!

people they never use lock on the door in the village,
cause here is really not much to steal.

90% of kitchen is like this.
some just in the outside.

the kids have to do lots of housework,even cooking.
to support their family.that's why they can't afford to the school.

because of poor,family they can't afford the pill or condom.a family they normaly have 6 to more than 10 kids.
they just pay 5 dollars to hire someone born baby in the home, some kids and mother die due to less medication.

filmed 8 family's story,
almost them cried so much when they start to tell the story.

the children living in this situation,it's quite concerned.
if they can't have education,some of them maybe just sold by the family to pay debt,or being abused.

people have to carry water everyday from other places.
some of family not even have electricity!

still more and more new baby was born!

villagers harvest morning glory.
this plant before price was 2000 riel per kilo.
now they only can sell by 300 riel per kilo.
the villagers is hardly to get finacial balance.

for some young girl's destiny is more concerned.
in cambodia,you can't believe 1 dollar you may sleep a cambodia girl.
some girls have forced to have 30-50 customers per night! untill to die!

as a photographer,i record what i saw,what i hear,what i feel,
i'm really sad about the kids and family here in the village in cambodia.
because not enough education and being poor & unhappy,
some family members start to abuse their wife and kids.
or acting like money headed.they just want money.
sometimes they even do things stupid like borrow the dear money and run away,left their family and kids.
or became drunk everyday,
or sell the family members,
some of the family they really hard working every day
but they may can not pay the debt in a whole life!

i'm realy sad about this what happened in cambodia.
i hope more people come to help,

we only have one earth.
we only have one life!
what we can do to make a better world?
i only believe that love can make a difference!

Love echo

Friday, August 7, 2009

090807-back from tibet

Can't believe china blocked youtube,facebook.blogspot.wordpress,then even picasa!
damn it! they are been such crazy and stupid!

i've back to hubei to update my new passport.
then i'm on my way to tibet/nepal now.
i have really such wonderful experience on my way.
the world was just AWESOME!

and good news. our tv station interview my story for a week.
they gonna broadcast a special program for around 20 minites.
and i get my invitation letter from burma!

Aug.10th, Naqu/Tibet, Horse Racing Festival.
Aug.20th,Lhasa/Tibet,Yoghourt Festival
and i will be there! then my volunteer job have been approved from nepal!
Life is Great! ^_^
I'm happy on my way!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

090430-Monthly Report

So far,in two months,i across 8 cities in china,
spend less than 300USD and i have 100USD donation from friend.
i will keep rocking.

From November,My 10 flights across 5 countries cost about 18USD,
just waiting to start.good news, my volunteer job approved from Nepal,
and my Meditation Requst from Burma is on the receive progress.

I don't have much money,but i can be great to do my job!

Read a book:The Healing Power of Mind

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

090503-Memory Mengla

Mengla is really a small town nearly the border

local children playing in the street

many people play chess

but more focus on gambling.

when people busy on business,their children have to stay behind

play himself

the beauty drive us to the town

many cocolate tree.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

090429-Daluo,here i am!

Today go daluo,border on Burma!

one tree,one forrest!

this is not lotus but beautiful!

at the border of daluo!

local people

on the way

people at working

local people still surfring.pain inside.

090428-Heading Menghai

Menghai is a small town in the middle of jinghong and daluo.
you know why is small? check the local people waiting line in front of the bank.

yes,they are happy,you know why? they waiting for salary

menghai is really small town

breakfast list

local people shopping in the street

local friend play the music

Monday, April 27, 2009

090426-Learning in Arboretum

Did you see so beautiful seed flying in sky before?
yes,it is not dandelion but it is really beautiful!

My first time to see a real fig tree!
all the childhood time have been recalled!

First time to see how to produce nature rubber

The little guy standing there,staring me.lol!

Erythrina variegata var

Yunnan Famouse Bitter Tea

Green Mulberry

Aerial Garden

The seed of Elephant Nose Palm,once the tree bloom and have seed,it die.
their lives only about 20 years,too short!

I love my discover and explore in Arboretum.

Note:Xishuanbanna Menglun Arboretum is the biggest Arboretum in china.
The ticket cost 80RMB,electricity bus 20RMB(save)