Monday, February 16, 2009

090216-Video comes out!

Today,i rending many of my old works,to a really good quality and upload again.

My application video finally comes out today!
wonder why they delaied,they through my photo and probably thought i'm from japan,
all the videos today almost from japan.i'm in page 4 in the first day.auch!

rainning this morning,have to find people to come fix my lights and electricity.
or i'll get in dark again tonight,
everything finally nice done,i changed the lights,changed the rheotrope.
but guess what happened tonight?
it switched off again! yeah,another half lights burned!

a rabbit shouts……

i have to take care my points today!

090215-7 flights!

Yesterday, is the last day for airline promotion.
i booked 7 flights to 4 countries next year.price 0 RMB.
all the airport fee total include together,less than 80USD.
how cool was that? i'm damn good!

yes.i booked for next year.
no matter the future how it goes,i'm ready on my way!
i do not book this year,partically because i applied my application video.
i'm never gonna give up,i'll working on it!

i keep continue my website construction.
i build frame for web.

----my parlor
will be my guest reception.
it will include who am i,what i love,my photo,video,career,family,and my plan.
it is the place all about me

----my studio
will be my working place
include my gallery,photo/video works,my cartoon project,
and i show the world why i want write for animation,
what is my cartoon stories about

-----my bedroom
personal favorites and collections.include my love music,travel plan.

-----my kitchen
i share my secret love ingredients how to encourage,motivate and inspire ourself.

-----my garden
all my lovely carrots singing in the garden,
here will difinitely my another favorite place,passing love to people

-----yes,and WC
every problem is a chance,i tried solution.
i throw all bad things to wc.
and here could be a real funny interesting place.

there definitely a HUGE work list. but i'll do it!

by the way,someone proposed me on yahoo.
he say he gonna come this end of the month,we gonna meet,
he bring all his centification,he'll help me apply visa and i'll get it in 3 month.
then we marry on may or june and move overseas.

wait wait,stop!

-do you really know me?
-i like you VERY MUCH.

how can people marry when they just even don't know?
i know this guy have nice house,have cute kids,want to marry me,
but frankly we don't even know much.
and i'm busy these days, i don't have time to chat.

this really make me thinking a lot,
that how weak our human being could be?
people searching love all life and how desperate sometimes?!

i can have a nice house, no need to work just if i say 'YES'
but how can i?

Jesus Christ!
the circuit breaker just switched off!
all lights in room get in dark.DAMN!